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Published Journal Articles

Griffin, E.K. & Armstead, C. (February, 2020). Black’s Coping Responses to Racial Stress. J. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. [Published Online Before Print {Print July, 7(609- 618)}]

This study identified a plurality of coping responses, which provides a spectrum of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral strategies, both adaptive and maladaptive to combat the stresses of racism. These identified coping responses reflect a cognitive- contextual perspective, coined by the authors of this paper. This perspective reflects a combination of coping strategies that omit previous research which suggest mostly anger, depression, and anxiety as a possible response to perceived racial discrimination. These negative emotional responses are suggested to result in chronic physical and mental health risk. Current findings also support the need for examining these racism-coping phenomena from a biopsychosocial perspective. It would allow health practitioners information to treat individuals impacted by cultural stress from a holistic perspective and could be included as part of both mental and physical healthcare.

Griffin, E. (March, 2019). Psychosocial techniques used in the classroom to captivate non-traditional community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. doi.10.1080/10668926.2019.1590252 

This article describes specific psychosocial techniques that aided in enhanced learning and positive student academic outcomes. The psychosocial techniques included principals of clinical psychology with an integration of pedagogical and andragogical research tactics and coined by the current author, the Cultural Empowerment Teaching Andragogy. Techniques used included cognitive empowerment, collaborative learning exercises, and testing of the student limits to guide mastery of material. This process also aided in empowering them on their overall academic journey. Specific student accomplishments included increased assignment grades by one grade, improved articulation of classroom material, increased confidence in independent oral responses, and increased self-esteem as a college student and developing career professional.

Griffin, E. (May, 2016). The Benefits of Multicultural Eclectic Service Delivery. S. Cockerham (Ed). Paper presentation at the National Organization of Human Service National Conference (NOHS), Charlotte, NC. Retrieved from

(pp 60-66).

To date, Blacks in America are often misdiagnosed or mistreated due to the failure of mental health practitioners to provide services from a multicultural eclectic purview. It is necessary to attend to the past and present influences of psychosocial variables related to real and perceived discrimination on minority achievement, behavior, and clinically health outcomes. When providers do not take into consideration these factors, they have a limited conceptualization of their clients’ needs. Such psychosocial variables can exacerbate behaviors, symptoms, and at times be the antecedent that onset those symptoms. Thus, it is imperative that health providers

learn methods to investigate and integrate the psychosocial experiences that Blacks encounter

into case conceptualization, diagnosis, and methods of mental health service delivery.

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Black Women, We Are Queens! (Excerpt, "Letters to the Black Community")

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